In the meantime, I suppose that users ought to be instructed to search
using the final sigma for words that end in sigma, and normal sigma
otherwise, and to use lower case only. Or one might just not insert
final sigmas, but that might broaden search results.
Tom Sullivan
PocketSword uses the standard SWORD library search implementation, using
CLucene. Last I looked, the C version is a _long_ way behind the Java version
(Lucene). The C version seemed to stop being developed after it worked well
enough for English text and didn’t seem to get any love for other lan
From memory, SWORD uses SimpleAnalyzer. This analyzer works well for Western
European languages. It won’t for non-latinate texts. It may work in part.
The basic rule of thumb is that both the index has to be created with an
analyzer and the search request has to be analyzed the same.
Does the CLucene indexing work for non-English texts?
David's recent question about languages without spaces caused me to be a bit
curious about this matter. Briefly looking at the current Apache Lucene code,
their appears to be extra code for non-English text. However, this is in
comparison to