
Me, with the help from Manfred, were able to correct some encoding mistakes in the PorAA module, as-well as some misspellings I found. As this encoding problem had been driving me crazy because I was unable to search the version, display parallel bibles, and MacSword was always crashing, I believe that it would be good to post it as a new v1.1 of the module in the crosswire website. Is it possible?

I scan provide the module I generated, as well as the corrected osis file. If needed I can also provide a complete list of the corrections I made to de module.

There are still some corrections that should be made: missing verses like Luk. 9:61. The text displayed in the original module is from the verse 62. I put the text in the correct verse (acording to the greek new testament I have), but as I can't find the original public domain source of the text, I cannot provide the text for verse 61. If crosswire isn't trying to post another portuguese module soon with the corrections, I could translate from the original myself and provide that as a new module version, that would include my corrections.

Tell me what you think about it.


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