I’ve bugs in JSword that I’ve been trying to fix. The problems occur when 
working with the Glossary module la_en, "Latin to English Glossary”.

First, JSword expects that a key is present in the module at most once. And if 
CaseInsensitiveKeys is not set on the module that the keys are ordered by 
uppercase. Practically, it does a binary search and for a given entry will 
always return the same value.

Second, JSword doesn’t expect empty entries other than at the beginning of a 
module (where an empty entry is an index with a size of 0). This is common at 
the beginning of modules.

Below are the first few entries of the la_en module. The columns are separated 
by tabs, though your email may show them as spaces. I’ve truncated long values 
as indicated with ….
From this we see that index 5 is empty. “A AB ABS” is present 6 times.

Should a dictionary module have duplicate keys?
Should there be empty index entries?
In other words, is this module in error?

From a JSword perspective, it should be graceful (right now it isn’t) in the 
face of these. I’m working on that. Any thoughts on the matter of how it should 
be graceful?

index   offset  size    key     value
0       49      61      A AB ABS        (prep + abl) separation - out of (one 
1       163     58      A AB ABS        (prep + abl) in connection with, with 
2       281     46      A AB ABS        (prep + abl) space- from, away from
3       223     56      A AB ABS        (prep + abl) with passive verbs - by, 
4       112     49      A AB ABS        (prep + abl) time - from, since, after
5       0       0               
6       0       47      A AB ABS        (prep + abl) numbers - counting from
7       329     45      ABALIENATO      transfer of property, alienation
8       376     32      ABAVUS  great-great-grandfather
9       410     29      ABBAS ABBATIS   father /abbot
10      441     26      ABBATIA abbey, monastery
11      469     55      ABDICO  to renounce, reject / abdicate / disappr...
12      526     39      ABDO    put away, remove / hide, conceal
13      567     26      ABDOMEN belly / gluttony
14      595     48      ABDUCO  to lead, or take away/ detach, withdraw
15      743     28      ABEO    to pass, to have been
16      695     46      ABEO    to digress / change / vanish, disappear
17      645     48      ABEO    to go away, retire /depart from life, die
18      773     35      ABERRO  to wander, deviate, escape
19      810     27      ABHINC  ago, back from now

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