Title: signature
I think the eBible.org repository is basically OK, now.
Known issues:
  • Waiting on PocketSword index generation
  • NRSVA versification lacks EsthGr = ESG = Esther (Greek) support that the real NRSVA has, and sends people looking for that book to Revelation in engWEB2015 and engWEBBE2015.
  • Strong's numbers rendering and spacing is off in the spaRV1909, engKJV1769, and engKJV2006 modules. 

eBible.org repository: ftp://ftp.ebible.org/pub/sword OR http://eBible.org/sword/

eBible.org beta repository: ftp://ftp.ebible.org/pub/swordbeta OR http://eBible.org/swordbeta/

The beta repository is for any testing where there is a risk of breaking the production repository. At this instant, both are identical.

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