Hi all. I very much appreciate the Sword Project and am at a point where I would like to help. The highest preference for me would be to create/correct modules and get copyrights, since for me the most important thing is to get The Word out. I have already talked to Jonathan Hughes and he pointed me to CCEL, where I will probably also help out a little bit, but I would prefer working on actual Bible or commentary Sword modules, most preferably in German but English is also ok. And of course, I'd also like to know where to get the codes for the locked modules... ;-) BTW is this the right place to post errors I find in existing modules?
in Christ, Heiko ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Heiko J. Unold [EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Ulm office: +049 731 50-26036 Optoelectronics Department lab: +049 731 50-26028 <>< You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. -Navajo Proverb