> With all the off topic discussion, I've forgotten where to 
> post this stuff...
> New driver for reading/writing compressed 
> lexicons/dictionaries is in the source tree.  zLD is the 
> driver name.  I just got things to compile.  Too tired to 
> test.  Let me know if you look at it.

Three Geeks for the Mac folk beautif'ly arrayed,
  Seven for the Windows-men in servitude,
Nine for the Linuxers doomed to vi,
  One for the Geek Lord on his geek throne
In the Land of Internet where the packets fly.
  One Geek to rule them all, One Geek to find them,
  One Geek to bring them all and to cvs commit them
In the Land of Internet where the packets fly.

Troy, you are that One Geek.  Thanks for working on this.  I'm testing
it out presently.


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