My OS: win Vista, Help me please.

php.ini used by PHP: C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\bin\php.ini

** Mandatory requirements **

  OK        PHP version is at least 5.2.4 (5.3.0)

** Optional checks **

  OK        PDO is installed
  OK        PDO has some drivers installed: mysql, sqlite
  OK        PHP-XML module is installed
  OK        XSL module is installed
  OK        The token_get_all() function is available
  OK        The mb_strlen() function is available
  OK        The iconv() function is available
  OK        The utf8_decode() is available
[[WARNING]] The posix_isatty() is available: FAILED
            *** Install and enable the php_posix extension (used to
colorized the CLI output) ***
[[WARNING]] A PHP accelerator is installed: FAILED
            *** Install a PHP accelerator like APC (highly
recommended) ***
  OK        php.ini has short_open_tag set to off
  OK        php.ini has magic_quotes_gpc set to off
  OK        php.ini has register_globals set to off
  OK        php.ini has session.auto_start set to off
  OK        PHP version is not 5.2.9

If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
security at

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