Hi everyone !

Some days ago, i created the following ticket

The proposal was to create an interface for lime_test, in order to let the
user implements is one one (using phpunit for example).

But Fabien replied me that it was not really clever because i would have to
implements all the lime_method

Well that what i did but with a not really clean fix :

1) Because sfBrowser is lime specific i created a child class that overrides
all the lime method with phpunit's equivalents
class myBridgeToPHPUnit extends lime_test ...

2) Then I pass the instance of this object to the sfFunctionalTest.
 $this->oBrowser = sfFunctionalTest(new sfBrowser(), $bridge, $testers);

3) The issue is that without interface, i must extends lime_test, to be able
to do that...
public function __construct(sfBrowserBase $browser, *lime_test* $lime =
null, ...

I created a child class of lime test that redefine every methods with the
phpunit equivalent.

4) Now  i have a nice object oriented phpunit test case that looks like this
(where $browser is a sfFunctionalTest instance configured with my child
class that delegates test to phpunit):
class frontendAccountLogin extends myFunctionalTestCase
   public function testLoginNominal($browser)

Maybe this not the way to do it... If anyone has an idea of how to achieve
this goal  (4) i'am very interested !

David Stendardi

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