1. I create AnketaForm (executeEdit)
2. Process AnketaForm (executeUpdate)
3. Execute Anketa::save(). In this method:
-- 3.1. Creating collection of Anketa objects via
-- 3.2. parent::Save()
Fail. My Anketa from form not saved. If don't create coll
You should try tracing with Xdebug (for example)
On Feb 11, 9:03 pm, Javier Garcia wrote:
> Hi,
> Im having an error and as always something like this is showed below the
> error message:
> *
> 50. }
> 51. }
> 52.
> * at *sfFilterCha
I'm using this code in my form:
$this->widgetSchema['birthday']=new sfWidgetFormInputText();
Birthday in Doctrine-schema:
birthday: date
How can I format date to be output in this widget (d.m.Y) ?
I had resolve any issues about validating and saving date in my
format. But I cannot