many thanks!

On 5 Okt., 17:31, Daniel Lohse <> wrote:
> Nope, that won't work because the named route doesn't take or expect a real 
> parameter and you're providing it your offer_id.
> Try this:
> link_to("add refurbishment", '@offer_refurbishment_new', array('query_string' 
> => 'offer_id='.$offer->getId()))
> But you'd be much better served if you just redefined the 
> offer_refurbishment_new route like this:
> offer_refurbishment_new:
>   url:     /offer_refurbishment/new/:offer_id.:sf_format
>   class:   sfPropelRoute
>   options: { model: OfferRefurbishment, type: object }
>   param:   { module: offer_refurbishment, action: new, sf_format: html }
>   requirements: { sf_method: get, offer_id: '\d+' }
> Add this rule below your PropelRouteCollection rule for offer_refurbishment. 
> Please check if the model I put up there is correct. Having done this, you 
> can use this: link_to("add refurbishment", 
> '@offer_refurbishment_new?offer_id='.$offer->getId())
> Cheers, Daniel
> On 05.10.2010, at 16:32, Christian wrote:
> > link_to("add refurbishment", '@offer_refurbishment_new?offer_id='.
> > $offer->getId())

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