
I am trying to do a multiple edit on a database table.

Whn I output like this:
<?php echo $form->getStatusObject($key)->getStatusname() ?>
I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getStatusname() on a non-

When I comment the above out the rest of the fields print out with the
data as expected but with this error at the bottom of the page:

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type sfFormField as array

Can you see what I am doing wrong here?  I put the full code below.

Thank you in advance.

       <?php foreach($form as $key => $status): ?>
           <td><?php echo $form->getStatusObject($key)->getStatusname
() ?></td>
             <?php echo $status['statusOrder']; // should print text
field with db value populated ?>
             <?php echo $status['statusOrder']->renderError(); ?>
             <?php echo $status['startend'] ?>
             <?php echo $status['statusOrder']->renderError(); ?>
       <?php endforeach; ?>


class StatusEditForm extends sfForm
  protected $status_objects = array();

  public function configure()
    foreach( StatusPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()) as $status_object )
      $this->embedForm('status_'.$status_object->getId(), new

  public function getStatusObject($key)
    return (isset($this->status_objects[$key])) ? $this->status_objects
[$key] : null;

  public function save()
    $values = $this->getValues();

    foreach($this->getEmbeddedForms() as $key => $status_form)



class StatusForm extends BaseStatusForm
  protected $status_objects;

  protected static $startend_choices = array(
    'entry_point' => 'Entry Point',
    'end_point'   => 'End Point'

  public function configure()
    // completely unset any fields you don't need

    $this->widgetSchema['id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
    $this->widgetSchema['startend'] = new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio
( array(
      'choices' => self::$startend_choices
    $this->widgetSchema['statusOrder'] = new sfWidgetFormInput();

    $this->validatorSchema['startend'] = new sfValidatorChoice(array(
      'choices' => array_keys(self::$startend_choices)


This seems to be where the problem is.  It's not returning an object:

  public function getStatusObject($key)
    return (isset($this->status_objects[$key])) ? $this->status_objects
[$key] : null;

Does anybody have any idea why?

Thank you.

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