
in the last days i have been thinking alot about some kind of
architecture for an upcoming project, but my limited experience in
that field makes it really hard to decide on possible solutions, so i
thought that id ask the symfony community for help :)

The basic setup is this:
On the one side there is a web portal written in symfony 1.2 using
doctrine and all the bells and whistles, standard web stuff as you
know it. We will eventually have several HTTP and DB Servers and a
load balancer etc, so it will be a scalable solution.

On the backend side there will be a python daemon/programm that
receives large amounts of data over XMPP/Jabber. I choose python here
because php is just not made for programs that run infinitly, even if
it would be possible it doesnt feel right for me. Anyhow, i now need a
solution to bridge both sides together, to basically alter data in the
web portals database.

The python XMPP client will recieve messages that alter user data in
the portal, so i would need a bidirectional way to send/recieve data
to the portal server. This could be easily done via HTTP and RPC
calls, but i guess that would be rather slow if there are 100+
messages coming in per minute.

Another method could be sending the object JSON encoded ober XMPP, but
then id still need a php XMPP client that periodically polls the XMPP
server, fetches new messages and applies the changes to the database.

I could aswell just let the python daemon write to the DB directly,
but that way i couldnt use my symfony Models and validation

At one point when using symfony i will always end up polling some
service with php to process the changes, but maybe using HTTP for that
isnt too bad since it scales pretty good. I could cache alot of data
on the python client and send big JSON chunks over HTTP to the portal
to process it, maybe thats a good solution ?

i really dont know, any tips apreciated.
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