Note: I have posted the on the forum but not really received a lot of
help or a solution to this yet.

Can someone Please help me with this. I have been trying to work this
out for hours with no success.

I tried uploading a single file and that worked fine. However when I
then try and upload multiple files then the result is nothing. No
error and no file upload.

See my view that makes the form.

<?php echo form_tag('@upload_photo', 'multipart=true') ?>

<?php echo input_hidden_tag('user_id', $sf_user->getProfile()-
>getUserId()); ?>

<legend>Upload Photos</legend>

  <div class="form-row">
   <?php echo label_for('album_parent_id', 'Parent Album') ?>
   <?php echo select_tag('album_parent_id',options_for_select(
   )) ?>
  <?php for($i=1; $i <= 5; $i++): ?>
  <div class="form-row">
    <?php echo label_for('newFile', 'File:') ?>
    <?php echo input_file_tag('newFile[]') ?>
  <?php endfor; ?>

   <?php echo submit_tag('Upload file') ?>


And the resulting action

    *   Execute Action Upload photo
  public function executeUpload()
    if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() != sfRequest::POST)

      return sfView::SUCCESS;
      if ($this->getRequest()->hasFiles())

        foreach ($this->getRequest()->getFileNames() as $fileName)
          //$this->logMessage(' uploaded image: '.
          $fileSize  = $this->getRequest()->getFileSize($fileName);
          $fileType  = $this->getRequest()->getFileType($fileName);
          $fileError = $this->getRequest()->hasFileError($fileName);
          $fileRealName = $this->getRequest()->getFileName($fileName);
          $uploadDir =
          //$uploadDir = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir');

          $this->getRequest()->moveFile($fileName, $uploadDir);
        }  // end foreach

        $this->setFlash('class', 'confirmation');
        $this->setFlash('msg', 'Your images have been successfully
      } // end if file uplaods

    } // end if else

  } // end function executeUpload

What is it I am doing wrong?
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