I'm having a problem with my fixture data. This is a part of data/

    id: ina
    name: Inactivo
    description: El registro ha sido desactivado por alguien que tiene
las credenciales para hacerlo
    id: pen
    name: Pendiente:
    description: El registro está esperando la aprobación por alguien
que tiene credenciales para hacerlo

All requirements were created correctly (BD, models, sql file, insert
sql, etc.). The problem is that the description field has non-ascii
characters (in this case 'á') and these chars cause that the
description text be cutting when one of these non-ascii chars is

I think i'm making something wrong in the status.yml because the
database definition is well defined. I have tested inserting the
description text using a client and all text was inserted ok.

I was searching information about how to solve this problem and i
didn't found anything.

Thanks so much

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