On Apr 22, 10:07 am, Valkerian <valker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Morning all. I'm going to throw out a really simple question here
> about the backend admin.
> If I want to prefill a field when creating a new item, how do I do
> that via a link?
> Say I have a contact form and I want to link to it such that the first
> name will be filled with 
> "Joe".http://localhost/backend_dev.php/contact/new?first_name=Joe
> Something like that, but that doesn't work. Symfony 1.2/Doctrine BTW.

As near as I can understand you, you are either asking

1.) "How can I use Javascript to set a value based on someone clicking
a link"?


2.) "How can I force a value into a form based on a value being passed
through the URL".

The first question should probably be asked in another forum.

The second question has the answer of "In your action, fetch the value
from the URL and then assign it to the form." This was just discussed,
here on symfony_users, just a few hours ago.

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