Propel behaviors (the old ones) are not working in tasks.
You can workaround with this line (in your task):

sfPropelBehavior::registerMethods('act_as_taggable', array());

With incoming Propel 1.5, the new behaviors introduced with 1.4 will
be even more. Sortable is already in sfPropel15Plugin, while taggable
is still under development

On 22 Dic, 06:00, Zeek <> wrote:
> I ssh to the server, to the directory of my website. On the command
> line, I call:
> symfony QuestionAnswerContest:remindAskersAboutTheirExpiredQuestions
> I get this error (lit up in red in my terminal window):
> Propel behavior "sfPropelActAsTaggableBehavior" is not registered
> I have this at the bottom of my Question class:
> sfPropelBehavior::add('Question', array
> ('sfPropelActAsTaggableBehavior'));
> In the execute() method of my task, I've some code to fetch some
> questions:
>     $c = new Criteria();
>     $c->add(QuestionPeer::END_AT, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
> Criteria::LESS_THAN);
>     $c->add(QuestionPeer::STATUS, 'active');
>     $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(QuestionPeer::ID);
>     $questions = QuestionPeer::doSelect($c);
>     foreach ($questions as $question) {
>        // more code here
>     }
> So, is this simply not allowed? Or is there a way I can register the
> sfPropelActAsTaggableBehavior so that this task will work?


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