Hello Again...

Dont ask me why.. but the script started working when I added this:

$this->validatorSchema['imagen'] = new sfValidatorFile(array(
      'required'   => false,
      'path'       => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/contenidos',
      'mime_types' => 'web_images',

Many Thanks to http://www.searbe.co.uk/symfony-admin-generator-file-upload


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Matías López <lopezmat...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello all,
> Im trying to upload an image in the admin generator using the widget
> sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable but I only get *"Array*" in the database and
> the file is not uploaded.. and I have no error messages.
> Any idea what could be happening?
> This is the widget conf:
> $this->widgetSchema['imagen'] = new sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable(
>          array(
>         'edit_mode' => !$this->isNew(),
>         'file_src' =>
> '/uploads/contenidos/'.$this->getObject()->getImagen(),
>         'is_image' => true,
>         'with_delete' => true,
>         'template' => '<div>%file% %input% %delete% %delete_label%</div>',
>         ));
> $this->validatorSchema['imagen_delete'] = new sfValidatorPass();
> Thanks,
> Matías

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