Hi Sid,

Well, speaking as the author I can give you this insight:

*Easy to quickly setup pages that are editable. You can have editable  
text regions, pictures, and so on.
*The data model is non-destructive for updates. Meaning, you can  
define a certain object, add more attributes later, all without  
destroying existing data. This allows you to meet the ever-changing  
needs of clients without destroying previous work and content.
*Very simple API
*Great for small-medium clients

*The code is "select heavy." The InstantMutableObjects are mutable  
because they don't rely on a flat data for their structure. As such,  
each object will require at least one select per object, in addition  
to the query that called it up. If you run a high traffic website this  
might kill your database. If the client isn't pushing tons of traffic  
then it's absolutely fine. It's a trade off between simplicity and  
performance, I guess.

Overall, the plugin just makes it easier to meet the requirement of  
allowing a client to "update" regions on their page. I noticed that  
many people spend a lot of time creating interfaces to do this, or  
installing complicated CMSs, so I figured that the task should be  
commodified so the developer can get onto more pressing work. It's one  
of those things where if you've done it a million times, you've done  
it a million times.

What I've done with the plugin is stripped away all of the custom work  
I did on the plugin for clients and put it up in more or less raw form.

Let me know if you have any questions!


On Feb 1, 2009, at 7:59 PM, Sid Bachtiar wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience in using this plugin? Any comment on
> advantages/disadvantages?
> Sid
> >

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