dear friends,

I have the following tables.

News [id, title, …]
Education [id, title…..]
Health [id, title, ….]
ContentImage [id, contented (id of the News, Education, Health), type
(like News, Education, Health), path…]

The News, Education, Health may or may not have images in the
ContentImage table. There is no relationship is set in between News,
Education, Health table with ContentImage table. But we can link the
programatically by using id=contentid and type = 'News'. I want to
write a Doctrine query the return the left outer join between News,
Education, Health tables and ContentImage table.

Is it possible thru dotrine query?

Or do I need to write the query like below,

[code] $sql = "SELECT * FROM... ";
 $pdo = Doctrine_Manager::connection()->getDbh();
 $data = $pdo->query($sql)->fetchAll(); [/code]

Please reply.

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