When I look in Chapter 8 of the book, I realize that Criteria seems to
be mostly about building SELECT statements:


When I look to see how I should update a record, I find a lot of
information about updating a particular record, which I already know
how to do. But how do I update many records? I want this SQL:

UPDATE player SET mufson_award_winner='' WHERE new_team_id='712'

How do I get that?

Right now, this is the code I have. I can not figure out how to
replace the "magic" part.

    // 03-20-09 - normally, one player per team wins the Mufson award.
Sometimes, when there
    // are syblings on a team, they will give the award to both
syblings. Here we are getting
    // an array of ids of the players who've won the Mufson Award. We
must update the
    // mufson_award_winner field in the player database table
    $arrayWhoWonTheMufsonAward = $request->getParameter
    if (isset($arrayWhoWonTheMufsonAward)) {
      if (is_array($arrayWhoWonTheMufsonAward)) {
        // First, we must ensure that none of the players are marked
as winners of the
        // the Mufson award. We will blank anyone currently chosen as
a winner. Then
        // we will assign the winner.
        $c = new Criteria();
        $c->add(NewPlayerPeer::NEW_TEAM_ID, $request->getParameter

        [now something magic happens and all the players on the team
have their mufson_award_winner field blanked]

        for ($i=0; $i < count($arrayWhoWonTheMufsonAward); $i++) {
          $playerId = $arrayWhoWonTheMufsonAward[$i];
          $playerModelClass = new NewPlayer();
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