I'm using sympy intensively to define economic models (sympy is great
for that !) and something that I find quite annoying is the absence of
simple way to write equations without using Eq( , ) or Equality( , ) .
Indeed using these constructors obfuscates the code when there is a
long list of e
With the relation sqrt(a*b) = sqrt(a)*sqrt(b) some surprising things can be
> proved:
> 1 = sqrt(1) = sqrt(-1*-1) = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1) = i*i = -1
> I don't see an easy workaround for this, but it should better be fixed
> in sympy
> anyway.
> Sebastian
> Pa
I have been using sympy a lot recently (economical modelling) and
(while it's a great software) I found a strange behavior when doing
substitution : it is not respecting operators priority. I think it's
because it works sequentially with all its arguments, but it leads to
somewhat surprisi