I understand.
It seems gruntz works like Maxima's tlimit
>>> gruntz(1+(1+1/x)**x,x,oo)
1 + E
>>> gruntz((1+1/x)**x-E,x,oo)
>>> gruntz(((1+1/x)**x-E)*x,x,oo)
>>> gruntz1+1/x)**x-E)*x+E/2)*x,x,oo)
That's fine.
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I am the original poster. I am not an expert of Python, just a
I understand that SymPy uses heuristics for limits, which are most likely
"known cases". But if I were to program such heuristics, only cases with
infinity would have to look for a heuristic. This includes 1^oo, whic
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>>> from sympy import *
>>> x=Symbol('x')
>>> limit((1+1/x)**x,x,oo)
>>> limit(1+(1+1/x)**x,x,oo)
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