Pity, it is a very important PDE, it is the one-dimensional wave equation.
many thanks.
Am Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2017 00:58:05 UTC+2 schrieb Aaron Meurer:
> You need to use u(x, t) everywhere. SymPy considers u(x) and u(x, t) to be
> completely different functions.
> Unfortunatel
I have just started using sympy and tried to solve a PDE like this:
My approach in sympy was:
from sympy.solvers.pde import pdsolve
from sympy import Function, diff, pprint, Eq, init_printing
from sympy.abc import x,t,c
u = Function('u')
w = Eq(diff(u(t),t,2) - (c**2*diff(