
Well, this is another application from someone interested in having
partial differential equations (PDE) support in Sympy :)

As you all might already know - solving PDEs is not easy and solving
them analytically is even harder. My plan is to tackle some useful
differential equations that are also called as equations of mathematical
physics. These equations are used to describe many real-life processes
like wave propagation, heat diffusion, vibrating string, ...

So far, there are following things on my todo list regarding sympy:
  * Quasilinear differential equation of two independent variables
    + this needs a good variable separation implementation ;)
  * Coordinate systems and their transformations
    + orthogonal, curvilinear, bipolar, polar and about 20 more.. :)
  * Power series solutions of differential equations

And further down the road:
  * Lagerre'i and Hermite equations, Sturm-Liouville form, eigenvalues

My approach to implement these features is following:
  1) Take a set of homework problems as a testcase
  2) Try to solve these problems with Sympy
  3) If Sympy does not have functionality then implement it
  4) Send the changes with testcase to upstream

About timeline, well I have no idea yet...

And about myself - I am currently a second year physics student
(undergraduate) in University of Tartu ( http://www.ut.ee ).
I also have a BSc degree from Tallinn University of Technology. I am
also involved with the open source world a bit as a coordinator of
Estonian Translation team for GNOME translation project.

Priit Laes ;)

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