On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Freddie Witherden
<fred...@witherden.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been looking at the printing of integrals in the LaTeX printer and am
> interested in getting your opinions on the subject.
> Firstly, we currently always print the 'd' (as in dx, dy, etc) in italics.
> However, some books print it as a Roman (upright) character. Mathematica
> prints it in 'blackboard' style type, although I do not believe that this is
> supported for lower-case letters in LaTeX.
> Question is do we want to make this configurable, or is it going too far?

It might be a nice feature to have overwrites of particular elements
in the LatexPrinter.  So by default just do the italics but if someone
wants to, make it possible to instantiate the LatexPrinter and set
things, such as integral domain symbols.

> Has anyone ever wanted the ability to change the style of the d in
> integrals?

I do it in my own Latex (I just use \d and have a newcommand) but I
have never used it with SymPy.

> Secondly, double and triple integrals without limits. Consider:
> Integral(x*y, x, y); this currently is two distinct \int\int signs. However,
> LaTeX prints \iint for this case, which looks slightly neater. Same goes for
> triple integrals.  I have a patch for this which uses string-replacement
> (\int\int\int => \iiint, \int\int  => \iint). Yay or nay?


> Finally, often to save space when printing a fraction the d<x> is put on the
> top of the fraction. So Integral(1/x, x) becomes dx/x. While this only
> really works if the expression is a single fraction which is part of a
> single integral would anyone be interested in me adding this?

I'm not a big fan.  I really like having the domain symbols separate
from the integrand.

> I would need to work out if the integral is printed as a fraction and is so
> somehow add a dx on the top (sounds like string replacement). Although there
> may be an easier way to do it.
> Be interested to know what you all think.
> Regards, Freddie.



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