fr., 16.07.2010 kl. 13.25 -0700, skrev Brian Granger:
> Hi,
> Currently in secondquant and quantum we are making Bra and Ket
> subclasses of State:
> class State(Expr):
> class Bra(State):
> class Ket(State):
> the other option would be to make the ket/bra-ness an option:
> bra = State(
Currently in secondquant and quantum we are making Bra and Ket
subclasses of State:
class State(Expr):
class Bra(State):
class Ket(State):
the other option would be to make the ket/bra-ness an option:
bra = State('alpha', bra=True)
The advantage of this approach is that things like dagger