Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-11-15 Thread sympy
Comment #35 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) So I guess the plan now is to do something with sympy-bot and linode (or even just keep it distributed). Mateusz, do you think that this needs to be fixed before the r

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-11-15 Thread sympy
Comment #36 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) Oh, and also lower the priority, as it's currently setup to automatically add the release milestone to critical issues. -- You received this message because you are su

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-11-15 Thread sympy
Updates: Labels: -Priority-Critical -Milestone-Release0.7.2 Priority-High Comment #37 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) This would be too much work before the release. For the release I will use my friend's s

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-11-15 Thread sympy
Comment #38 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I can also run tox on any release candidates. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sympy-issues" group. To post to this group, s

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-03-23 Thread sympy
Updates: Summary: Setup buildbot (again) Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-Critical Comment #8 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I'm raising the priority on this. Stuff like this is just too embarras

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-01 Thread sympy
Comment #9 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I was recently told to start using Jenkins [0] because it is much simplier to use and each dev could just have it running on their laptop. Any thoughts? I could pro

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-01 Thread sympy
Comment #10 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) Someone on the list a while back introduced me to tox, which does very nice sandboxed testing. Would this be something that Jenkins would run, or would it have to be something

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-01 Thread sympy
Comment #11 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I think Jenkins (formerly known as Hudson) doesn't actually build python packages and so on, you have to write scripts for that. That's where tox may be useful, for

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-01 Thread sympy
Comment #12 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) Well, from what I've seen of tox, it's excellent. It lets you easily see if things work in a pure Python environment, and you can also test things like existence/nonexistence of

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-02 Thread sympy
Comment #13 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I thought Ondrej had some servers to run on. If not I bet we could ask the sage devs. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-02 Thread sympy
Comment #14 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) Everything else being equal, I'd rather use a Python tool. What are the advantages of Jenkins over buildbot? If it's just a matter of server setup, I'm volunteering

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-02 Thread sympy
Comment #15 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) I think Ondrej is trying to dump all his servers (that's one of the reasons why we moved everything to GitHub). We should ask him to be sure. If Ondrej doesn't have a server, d

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-02 Thread sympy
Comment #16 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I viable approach may be to move to cloud computing services (like Amazon EC2) with this. I know that we would have to pay for this, but maybe we will able to find a re

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-03 Thread sympy
Comment #17 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) I was thinking we should look at cloud computing too (I thought I already mentioned it here, but I guess it was on some other issue). What would the pricing look like for that o

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-03 Thread sympy
Comment #18 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) To push the tests to the cloud, we probably need a more robust test suite. Also, it seems that the latest trend is managed clouds, where we don't have to deal with th

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-03 Thread sympy
Comment #19 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) To push the tests to the cloud, we probably need a more robust test suite. Why is this? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sympy-issu

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-03 Thread sympy
Comment #20 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) Why is this? It would make a lot of sense to have distributed tests, but I'd be surprised if it worked currently (come to think of it, we would probably have to f

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-04-27 Thread sympy
Comment #21 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) Would we really have to distribute the tests? I don't know a whole lot about how cloud computing works, but we have 32 combinations of Python versions, architectures, and groun

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-05-02 Thread sympy
Updates: Cc: Comment #22 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sym

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-05-08 Thread sympy
Updates: Labels: Milestone-Release0.7.1 Comment #23 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) This is important, but I don't think it will happen before the next release. Anyway, it isn't really the sort of thing that should

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-05-28 Thread sympy
Comment #24 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I've posted some thoughts on this on my blog, read it here: In short, I think using Tox and J

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-06-13 Thread sympy
Comment #25 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) +1 to any work that any of you do in this area. :) I have a server, and also an AWS account if needed. The AWS is not much free, but the linode server is pretty much

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-06-13 Thread sympy
Comment #26 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) If server costs become too much for you, you could start accepting donations to keep them up. A lot of open source projects do this. But as we discussed before, this is all you

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-06-13 Thread sympy
Comment #27 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) I am good for now. Ideally I would like to start something like github for sympy, so that people can host and run their codes online. Then I will be able to support

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-07-21 Thread sympy
Updates: Cc: Comment #29 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) Regarding cloud computing, PiCloud was at the SciPy conference ( It might be something to look at. It is benefi

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-07-21 Thread sympy
Updates: Cc: Comment #30 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) picloud sounds very reasonably priced (I thought that Ronan has already pointed it out, and I have concluded, that they are

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-07-21 Thread sympy
Comment #31 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) Ah, and I forgot to say --- if you actually know these guys and they know sympy and you, then I would definitely give it a shot. -- You received this message becaus

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-07-21 Thread sympy
Comment #32 on issue 1117 by asmeurer: Setup buildbot (again) I do not know them, other than that I saw their talk at SciPy and Mateusz and I met the guy afterwords and chatted a little (though not about SymPy). Ronan did mention some othe

Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-10-01 Thread sympy
Comment #34 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again) Btw, picloud allows to setup arbitrary instances now (with any Ubuntu code), so we can setup other pythons, pypy and so on tests in picloud. Or we can just use lino