Hello, everyone!

The time has come - we have released the first release candidate of Synfig
1.0 -

I am preparing the NEWS files, which will be shipped with the final release
tarballs. Here is its current list:

== synfig-core ==

  * Introduce new file format (SFG) which can store embed data.
  * Group Layer now supports all basic transformations: Translate, Rotate,
Scale, Stretch, Skew.
  * Improved Spline Tangents: Now it is possible to split angle or radius
  * New ValueNode: Dynamic.
  * New ValueNode: Average.
  * New ValueNode: Weighted Average.
  * New Layer: Skeleton Distortion.
  * Sound: Integrate MLT framework for sound Playback.
  * New layer: Sound Layer.
  * Z-Range feature for Groups: Hides all child layers with Z-Depth values
outside of specified range.
  * Reworked software rendering engine.

== synfig-studio ==

  * Single-Window UI.
  * UI migrated from Gtk2 to Gtk3.
  * Reworked Toolbox and Tool Options Panel.
  * Allow to select interface language via preferences.
  * New transformation widget for Group Layer.
  * "Link to Bone" action: Allows to link Group Layers to Bones.
  * "Link to Skeleton" action: Allows automatically to link Spline vertices
to the Skeleton (based on the bone Widths).
  * New Layer: Skeleton Distortion.
  * Z-Range feature for Group Layer: Hides all child layers with Z-Depth
values outside of specified range.
  * New file format (SFG) which can store embed data.
  * All linked images are packed into single file when saving as SFG.
  * Allow to embed/extract images.
  * New Switch Group layer.
  * Brush Tool: Allows to paint on bitmaps with MyPaint brushes.
  * "Add New Frame" action.
  * Sound: Timeline can be synchronized with global JACK transport.
  * Sound: Integrate MLT framework for sound Playback.
  * New layer: Sound Layer.
  * Allow to modify animated parameters when Animation Mode is off (shift
operation applied).
  * Improved Spline Tangents: Now it is possible to split angle or radius
  * Now it is possible to insert new vertex into spline without distorting
its shape.
  * Keyframe widget improvements: tooltips, context menus, selection
synchronized with Keyframes Panel.
  * MetaData Panel improvements: Allow to change Guides and Grid colors.
  * HSV color wheel in the color selection dialog.
  * Improved spritesheet export.

Please correct me if I have missed anything.

Also, at the moment the items are unorganized, it would be nice to
group/re-organize them for better understanding.

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