>From now on, all my commits would go to:


Once I finish it or have something usable I'll pull from synfig's
repository and eventually merge with the master branch.

2012/10/23 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> finally I broke the bug that was stopping me to continue the progress.
> Some layers renders by using the slow approaching of use the render
> function that creates the rendered surface by (sub)sampling the context
> color at different vector positions.
> This is done using the get_color from the context and so from the layers.
> Each layer must define a get_color for that to provide the method to the
> render function to work.
> When implementing this behavior on Cairo I need to do the same with the
> Cairo layers. I do it by coding a get_cairocolor function
> I did all the code work for the intermediate classes and layers:
> Composite, Bitmap and Context but I didn't implement  any get_cairocolor
> function for any layer that really produces content.
> That was the reason why all the render test of that kind of layers (Twirl
> is one of them) produced a transparent result.
> Finally I've realized that and so I've made the first migration for
> get_cairocolor for the Linear Gradient layer (not pushed yet).
> My surprise is that the render result is awful. :)
> I've found that I the specialized subsampling functions I made for
> surfaces that have its components already premultipled is incomplete. I mix
> values between 0 and 1 with values between 0 and 255.
> It is needed to pass one parameter to those functions to scale up and down
> properly the calculated result.
> I've not coded it yet but the good news is that I know where the problems
> comes.
> Time to have dinner and sleep.
> Cheers!
> 2012/10/15 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>
>> Hi!
>> Finally, after some days of researching I found why the code I wrote
>> worked in the snippet of code and not in the render system. It needed
>> a reset of the matrix transformations before the mask was applied.
>> After that, the door to adapt the blend methods that are supported in
>> Cairo has been completed as you can see in the latest commits.
>> Also I've added code to support those blend methods that haven't got
>> any possible similar or equal operator in Cairo. This default code is
>> terribly slow but I've not found any way to perform the correct
>> operation. It needs two color conversions, a clamp operation and one
>> alpha premultiplication and one alpha demultiplication. And everything
>> for each layer that is composited so it would be (is) terribly slow. I
>> also would like to add one extra parameter in the future for those
>> blend methods not fully accomplished to be possible to use the default
>> blend method for the correctness of the render result in case that
>> someone would like to use Cairo render for a production render. It
>> would be a kind of "legacy blend methods option" (true or false,
>> defaults to false) to allow the user specify to use the legacy one or
>> the approximated one.
>> Formerly all the blend methods are finished although some of them
>> doesn't produce the exact render result when the destination surface
>> is not a solid color. In those cases the blended overlapping area has
>> more opacity than it should have.
>> Regarding to the layers, only rectangle is capable of use the new
>> blending methods so the rest has to be gradually migrate to use the
>> new functions.
>> There still some layers missing from add support for Cairo render but
>> it is a question of time to port all them.
>> My working rate is very slow lately so please be patient.
>> I still open to anyone that want to contribute with the missing areas
>> to code. Specially I would need help when dealing with the direct to
>> screen drawing and the usage of the cairo_gl surface. There is so few
>> documentation and examples in that area and any help is welcome.
>> Cheers!
>> 2012/10/5 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
>> > Thanks guys!
>> >
>> > I'm having troubles with BRIGHTEN mode. Although Cairo has a LIGHTEN
>> > operator (that does a ver similar operation) it doesn't remove the
>> > source part that is not onto the destination so I need to do an extra
>> > operation.
>> > Doing the tests in a separated snippet of code it is fair simple to
>> > make the blended result to be only on top of the destination surface.
>> > I should only to use the destination surface as additional mask
>> > surface before doing the paint operation. It works fine in the snippet
>> > of code but I'm failing to do the same on the render.
>> > I suspect that the optimize_canvas function is doing evil things with
>> > the layers, including some extra paste canvas layers inside or
>> > changing the blending method.
>> > So I'm going to add a debug function that would recursive list the
>> > layers and its blending methods into a txt file just before the render
>> > starts, to check why when doing the masking operation on the synfig
>> > code, doesn't work as in the snippet of code.
>> >
>> > I could have moved to try other blend mode instead of insist with
>> > BRIGHTEN but at the end I would have the same mask problems regardless
>> > the operator used (it happens the same even with if I use OVER (aka
>> > COMPOSITE) instead of LIGHTEN)
>> >
>> > Cheers!
>> >
>> > 2012/10/3 Joshua Bell <joshbe...@gmail.com>:
>> >> Agreed. You're a legend, Carlos.
>> >>
>> >> "Timothée Giet" <anim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>Great!
>> >>>
>> >>>Carlos, you rock :)
>> >>>
>> >>>2012/10/3 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>
>> >>>
>> >>>> Hi!
>> >>>> This morning I came out with another simper solution for the STRAIGHT
>> >>>> method!
>> >>>> It is very exciting!
>> >>>> The code I previously figured out was this:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> /////////////////////////////////////// OLD CODE
>> >>>> cairo_save(cr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // This part would retrieve the current passed surface and copy it on
>> >>>> destimage
>> >>>> cairo_surface_t* dest=cairo_get_target(cr);
>> >>>> cairo_surface_flush(dest);
>> >>>> cairo_surface_t* destimage=cairo_surface_map_to_image(dest, NULL);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Then using destimage width and height create newdest
>> >>>> int w=cairo_image_surface_get_width(destimage);
>> >>>> int h=cairo_image_surface_get_height(destimage);
>> >>>> cairo_surface_t*
>> >>>newdest=cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
>> >>>> w, h);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Now I paint destimage to newdest with a 1.0 -alpha mask
>> >>>> cairo_t* destcr=cairo_create(newdest);
>> >>>> cairo_set_source_surface(destcr, destimage, 0, 0);
>> >>>> cairo_paint_with_alpha(destcr, 1.0-alpha);
>> >>>> cairo_destroy(destcr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Here I rewrite the newdest to destimage
>> >>>> destcr=cairo_create(destimage);
>> >>>> cairo_set_source_surface(destcr, newdest, 0, 0);
>> >>>> cairo_set_operator(destcr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
>> >>>> cairo_paint(destcr);
>> >>>> cairo_destroy(destcr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // and update the cr target (dest)
>> >>>> cairo_surface_unmap_image(dest, destimage);
>> >>>> cairo_surface_mark_dirty(dest);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // destroy and restore
>> >>>> cairo_surface_destroy(newdest);
>> >>>> cairo_restore(cr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Finally I paint with he ADD operator using alpha for the current
>> >>>> cairo_t commands
>> >>>> cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD);
>> >>>> cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, alpha);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> ////////////////////////////// OLD CODE - end
>> >>>>
>> >>>> And I asked my self: Is there other way to fade out a given surface?
>> >>>> The solution I did was: extract image, paint with 1.0-alpha, paint
>> >>>> back and extract back.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I think that I can directly paint on the given surface without need
>> >>>to
>> >>>> map and unmap. Also I've found a way to fade out a surface in a
>> >>>single
>> >>>> operation:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // //////////////////////////////////// NEW CODE
>> >>>> // First save the context status
>> >>>> cairo_save(cr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Second paint with the DEST_IN operator.
>> >>>> // It would achieve the following result:
>> >>>> // aR=aA*aB
>> >>>> // xR=xB
>> >>>> // which is exactly to fade out the destination surface
>> >>>> // by the alpha of the source (1.0-alpha in this case)
>> >>>> cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0-alpha);
>> >>>> cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_IN);
>> >>>> cairo_paint(cr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Then restore the cairo context
>> >>>> cairo_restore(cr);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> // Then paint using the ADD operator and the alpha value
>> >>>> cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD);
>> >>>> cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, alpha);
>> >>>> // //////////////////////////////////// NEW CODE end
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I cannot test it right now, but I'm very excited on I have found a
>> >>>way
>> >>>> to perform the desired blending operation with atomic Cairo
>> >>>> instructions!!
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Cheers!
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 2012/10/2 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
>> >>>> > Thanks Konstantin. Your backing helps a lot.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > I've finally figured out how to emulate the STRAIGHT blend method
>> >>>> > operation in Cairo.
>> >>>> > It is an important milestone because I'm confident on being able to
>> >>>> > emulate the Synfig's
>> >>>> > blend methods that aren't directly supported by Cairo just using a
>> >>>> > combination of Cairo's operators.
>> >>>> > This means that the performance when blending can have the full
>> >>>> > benefit of use Cairo native API.
>> >>>> > It is possible that some of the Synfig's blend methods gets
>> >>>difficult
>> >>>> > to emulate or impossible but
>> >>>> > I hope they would be the less used.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > Cheers!
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > 2012/9/29 Konstantin Dmitriev <ksee.zelga...@gmail.com>:
>> >>>> >> 2012/9/29 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
>> >>>> >>> Hi!
>> >>>> >>> I've added Cairo support for Shade and Bevel layers.
>> >>>> >>> Again the results are very similar but slightly slower. These
>> >>>kind of
>> >>>> layers
>> >>>> >>> that manipulate pixels directly doesn't seem to improve much
>> >>>using
>> >>>> Cairo
>> >>>> >>> colors. In fact they loose time doing some unwanted operations
>> >>>(due
>> >>>> >>> premultiplied and due to need to convert alpha to a 0-1 range)
>> >>>that
>> >>>> doesn't
>> >>>> >>> compensate the supposed speed increase for handling unsigned char
>> >>>in
>> >>>> memory.
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>> I've seen that there are room for some improvements in the Paste
>> >>>Canvas
>> >>>> >>> layer because in Cairo I didn't clip the Paste Canvas's canvas's
>> >>>> context
>> >>>> >>> because I didn't understand what was doing the Software. Now that
>> >>>I
>> >>>> know
>> >>>> >>> more about Cairo and that I understand what does Paste Canvas do,
>> >>>I
>> >>>> could
>> >>>> >>> try to use clip in Cairo render and so the things should improve
>> >>>the
>> >>>> speed
>> >>>> >>> for all the encapsulated layers that have defined boundaries.
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> Hi, Carlos!
>> >>>> >> It's awesom to see such a progress.
>> >>>> >> >From some moment this week I've got a strong feeling that  the
>> >>>> >> finished cairo implementation is somewhere near, on the horizon.
>> >>>That
>> >>>> >> is awesome. Of course, there's still a lot of work, I understand.
>> >>>But
>> >>>> >> it will be such a significant step even if we will not gain
>> >>>desired
>> >>>> >> speed increase!
>> >>>> >> Please keep your hard work!
>> >>>> >> Thank you!
>> >>>> >> K.
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> --
>> >>>> >> http://morevnaproject.org/
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>>
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>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > --
>> >>>> > Carlos
>> >>>> > http://synfig.org
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> --
>> >>>> Carlos
>> >>>> http://synfig.org
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
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>> >>
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>> >> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/synfig-devl
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Carlos
>> > http://synfig.org
>> --
>> Carlos
>> http://synfig.org
> --
> Carlos
> http://synfig.org

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