New box from Sonic.  I've create a tasklist to get started, etc. Dave, can you spearhead this?

   You'll be please do know that the new server is up. You can access it
as follows:


   The network block is (14 usable) and power can be
remotely controlled via our Colo Tools
page at

   I'm forwarding the sponsorship application onto management, as there
are a few details involving
preferred contacts and fiscal responsibility that I am not individually
qualified to answer.

   I hope this holiday season has gone well for you, and I look forward
continuing our partnership into
the coming year.

-- Joe Muller
System Administrator

DONE - 0 - Document Specs:

IBM 7944-AC1 1U Server
2x Xeon E5620 2.4GHz Processor(s)
2x300GB SAS 2.5'' Hard Disks
2x Intel Gigabit Ethernet (a single link will be used)
Centos 7.4
Box Name apachesf

0a - Put an A record for the box into DNS for

0a2 - Add to SysAdmins Docs / wiki

DONE - 0b - Add account for davej

DONE - 0c - Add account for kmcgrail

DONE - 0d - Add ssh key for kmcgrail

0e - Add ssh key for davej - Dave, I texted you a password so you can get in and add your key.

DONE - 0f - Add key for root

DONE - 0g - Change root password

DONE - 0h - Add KAM and DaveJ to sudoers - added to wheel group

1 - Setup as an sa-update Mirror with a weight of 5 to start

2 - Check with Joe at Sonic about bandwidth usage to dial mirror up and down in weight

3 - Setup as a masscheck client with submitted data from rsync

4 - Look at the Current Sonic Colo Box and what it does now.  This is - add account for Davej - Same password texted above so you can reset and add your key.  Also, you are in sudoers - I believe it has spam trap data from Sonic that needs to be redirected to the new box.

4a - Decomm the old

5 - Setup Crashplan on the new machine

6 - Get them listed officially as a targeted sponsor - PENDING THEIR PAPERWORK

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