So it was only 3 years ago when SpamAssassin Zones died catastrophically and was replaced by spamassassin-vm.

We are now replacing spamassassin-vm with sa-vm1. Unfortunately, the box had to be turned off.

In the past, there were separate zones boxes because the grinding for masscheck was taking too long and/or bringing the entire virtual machine to it's knees.

In any case, these notes were what I wrote 3 years ago when rebuilding that machine in case they are helpful as we rebuild again!

New Zones box


DONE - 12 – Delete /files/old_files_2014-05-01.tar.bz2 if it is not needed. it came from /home/corpus-rsync/ and is believe to be old logs that are no longer needed but is quite a bit of data.

13 – is /home/automc’s .forward / procmail file needed? This I believe is an email based masscheck I believe and I don't think it has worked for ages - EMAILED JUSTIN

13a3 - Fix this issue in ruleqa.cgi [Wed Jun 25 01:06:08 2014] ruleqa.cgi: Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at ./masses/rule-qa/automc/ruleqa.cgi line 1997. This is putting a lot of information in the freqs daemon log on zones2 /zonestorage/spamassassin2/home/automc/freqsd/log

13b - Get time to sync correctly for zones2. It's off by about 40 seconds as of 7/5/2014 - OPENED INFRA TICKET - Fixed and ping gav on 5/4/15 to see what alternate port he used

13b2 - Disable the bb-jm cronjob. The cronjob exists with no account so it generates a lot of errors and looks that way for 5 or so years - Emailed Justin to confirm

22 - Get zones2 merged onto the box and deprecate zones2 and zones permanently to simplify administration.

- Make a copy of zones to talonjr - rsync -e ssh <>:/ /mnt/das2/ --verbose --recursive --relative --links --perms --owner --group --times --numeric-ids --stats --progress --delete --exclude /proc --exclude /dev --exclude /home/jm --exclude /home/felicity --exclude /home/mmartinec --exclude /home/quinlan --exclude /home/automc --exclude /home/corpus-rsync --exclude /home/buildbot --exclude /home/dos --exclude /home/bbmass --exclude /home/traps | tee /mnt/das2/ - IN PROGRESS 5/26

- Make a backup of zones to sa-vm - rsync -e ssh <>:/ /root/sa2.zones-backup --verbose --recursive --relative --links --perms --owner --group --times --numeric-ids --stats --progress --delete | tee ~/zones2-backup-rsync.log - Pending the issue that there is possibly 310GB in /zonestorage
- remove from crashplan when live

22a - If I have a modern CentOS box on ASF infra, why do we need the sonic CentOS box? To simplify the administration, I'd like to consolidate but no one remembers why we have zones, zones2, incoming, etc. and I don't want to revisit the same problems already solved ;-)

23 - update lots of documentation

InfraNotes - Updated
AutoRuleUpdates - Good info about mass check

DONE - 27 - Get more CPU/Disk IO/RAM as needed for spamassassin-vm - Emails sent to infra discussing this.

We have 20GB of RAM and 2 Procs and 128GB of diskspace free

28 - /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/run_nightly is supposed to do an svn update and reexec but it doesn't work on the first run properly. Requires 2 runs as best I can tell.

29 - buildbot cron job was:1 1 * * 1 /export/home/automc/svn/spamassassin/build/automc/buildbot.cron.weekly

get buildbot running - Pending JM to see if it's really used anymore - I don't know if the system was working before the crash and I found a lot of weirdness in following the chain of files/documents.

31 - I believe I have the sought rule generation system working again and the rules appear to be getting generated on talon1. However, reach out to Justin to see if his system on your yerp server still taking and publishing the channel from there? - EMAILED JUSTIN

-- DONE --
N/A - 1 - Remove keys off devel

DONE- 2 – Figure out opie

Once you are in, you need to do ortpasswd to identify the orthrus key. In case you miss it first time, I can reset the key.

Once you have successfully done ortpasswd, then try a sudo.

NOTE: This is my challenge key from the first time otp-md5 500 sp9546

Orthrus provides the ortcalc program for calculating a response.

A typical challenge would look like this:

# ssh

otp-md5 488 my3414 ext


In another terminal run:

# ortcalc 488 my3414



Then copy the reply into the password prompt from ssh.

DONE – NO - 2a – Is there a Windows ortcalc?

DONE - 2b - Learn more about s/key:

DONE - 2c – read

I used my ldap password

Use OTPDroid on a droid, opiekey on minotaur or ortcalc installed on talonator. Select md5, cut and paste the Challenge into opiekey, enter passphrase and cut and paste the password into box

DONE - 3 – figure out the old ip

The old IP is free to use, you can add it as an alias to eth0, but do not change the primary ip please.

DONE - 4 - Please commit all OS config changes to <>

or send the as patches, so we can commit them. You can also commit appl. changes in the same place.

DONE - 4a – Ran out of entropy cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail trying to setup dnssec – Install rngd

DONE - 5 – Note all Commands run on box that change things not covered in commits

yum install man
yum install lrzsz
yum install bind caching-nameserver
yum install vim
yum install bind-utils
chkconfig named on
yum install rng-tools
chkconfig rngd on
/etc/rc.d/init.d/rngd start
yum install mlocate
yum install screen
yum install jwhois
yum install ntpdate
yum install ntpd
chkconfig ntpd on
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd start
yum install openssh-clients
yum install rsync
yum install mutt
yum install httpd
yum install telnet

DONE - 6 – get DNS working

svn checkout /etc/spamassassin-dns

Open ports 53 for udp and tcp

DONE - 6a – Finish README in /etc/spamassassin-dns to reflect new system and commit

DONE - FIXED - 6b – updatesd isn’t an account and is a static checkout of trunk as of 4/25 so we can get the tick_serial working

DONE - 6c – Get zones from mirrors – Email Brian Behlendorf and ([Sonic #2659742])

DONE - 6d – Get updates., sought.updates., dnsbltest. and sa-testzones working

DONE - 6e – start dns or renable transfers ONLY when DNS is fixed

DONE - 6f – commit /etc/spamassassin-dns

N/A - SEE INFORMATION ABOUT CIRCONUS - 7 – Add to nagios with new ip?

DONE - 8 – Remove id_dsa.* on .ssh on hyperion

DONE - 9 – Copy files from hyperion to spamassassin-vm

scp -prC /mnt/zonestorage/spamassassin/ <>:/home/kmcgrail/zonestorage-restore

switch to rsync because of loops on copying files

rsync -e ssh /mnt/zonestorage/spamassassin/ <>:/home/kmcgrail/zonestorage-restore/ --verbose --recursive --relative --links --perms --owner --group --times --numeric-ids --stats --progress

DONE - ALL GOOD - 10 – Make sure notifies/zone pulls are working - EMAILED SONIC.NET and HYPERREAL 5/1 to confirm

DONE - ALL GOOD - 11 – Compare a copy of the zone from hyperreal with a copy from now. - EMAILED FOR COPY

DONE - 13a - make sure ruleqa website works

DONE - restarted /etc/init.d/freqsd daemon but not quite per
DONE - DNS resolves to where? Appears to resolve to zones2
DONE - - where does the data for /export/home/ruleqadb come from? I think from freqsd - no from freqsd after rsync DONE - Remove duplicate /etc/shadow line automc:*LK*::::::: and left automc:NP::::::: which should get rid of ! bad user (automc) Wed Jun 25 02:40:00 2014 in cron log in /var/cron/log
DONE - Check tomorrow and should be good.
DONE - FOUND SYNC SCRIPT - freqsd apparently looks for /export/home/corpus-rsync/corpus. that dir is stale but contains weekly-versions.txt and nightly-versions.txt

DONE - 13a2 - Check cron output on zones2

NOTE: Fixed some of cron output from zones2 by adding /etc/ssh/ssh_keys/<user>.pub from the authorized_keys file and adding user to sshusers group so that the automated accounts could use ssh.

- bbmass ssh fixed
- bbmass cron, removed --rsync-path=/opt/sfw/bin/rsync since it's not at that path on sa-vm box

DONE - 13c - Need to document how the ssh works on sa-vm box in case other accounts are needed to do this on the InfraNotes or similar page

DONE - 14 – setup logrotate for rsyncd.log

DONE - 15 – ASF Infra is phasing out nagios replaced by Circonus. Email <> re: changes if not handled by 5/8.

DONE - 16 – Look at rsyncd.log file for more things to setup like:

/export/home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora/jhardin_fraud failed: No such file or directory (2)
2014/05/02 02:00:04 [30700] connect from (
2014/05/02 02:00:04 [30700] rsync: chroot /home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora/guenther_fraud failed: No such file or directory (2)

DONE - 17 – make test with network tests to confirm DNS is accurate

DONE - 18 - Get httpd working


DONE - 20 - Get masschecks running

DONE - 21 - Get updates running

DONE - 24 - restart box and make sure services all start ok and that hostname sticks - fixed httpd

IGNORING - 25 - Permissions on the box are pretty permissive. BBmass corpora dirs for example are 777.

DONE - NO - 26 - check cron jobs for jm on talon1 to see if any of them break because of the new ssh fingerprints

DONE - 30 - This was the traps cron that needs to be added on spamassassin-vm

20 2 * * * rsync -rze ssh --whole-file --size-only --delete <>:/home/jm/cor/. /export/home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora/traps/.

DONE - add this traps account
DONE - fix perms for /export/home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora/traps/
DONE - add cron job

-- NOTES --


Got access to backups in /mnt/zonestorage on hyperion

Found date way off - Thu May 1 10:28:49 UTC 2014 changed to 1 May 16:39:21 ntpdate[27179]: step time server offset 22169.764205 sec

Discussed on #ASFINFRA and PCTONY suggested I install NTPD

Transferred a copy of all files on hyperion to /root/zonestorage-restore on spamassassin-vm.

Created /export dir to symlink things like /home so /export/home/… still worked

Rsync work:

   Created corpus-rysnc user

   Renamed user and group to rsync leaving home in /home/corpus-rsync

Mv /root/zonestorage-restore/spamassassin/export/home/corpus-rsync/* /home/corpus-rsync/

   Cleaned up files and changed permissions to what I thought was correct

Compressed old filestar jcvf old_files_2014-05-01.tar.bz2 --remove-files old_files_2014-05-01/

Created automc user (useradd -s /bin/sh -c 'Auto Mass-Check Daemon' automc)

   Moved files from /export/home on zonestorage restoration for automc

   Created /home/svn-trunk dir and mv

   Moved files from /export/home on zonestorage restoration for svn-trunk

   Moved svn-trunk to svn-trunk.old

mkdir svn-trunk

chown automc.automc svn-trunk

su -l -s /bin/bash automc

did a cleancheckout

cd /home; svn checkout svn-trunk

ln -s /home/svn-trunk/build/automc/etc-rsyncd.conf /etc/rsyncd.conf

yum install xinetd

set /etc/xinetd.d/rsync to disable=no

Set max connections = 100 in rsyncd.conf

Started xinetd

Allow port 873 tcp/udp on iptables

Restart iptables

Disable selinux with /etc/sysconfig/selinux and setenforce 0

Create logrotate.d/rsync file

Apache work:

   Installed httpd

Mv’d files from /root/zonestorage-restore/spamassassin/backup/rsynced/var-www to /var/www

Believe the conf file is in /home/automc/svn/spamassassin/build/automc/etc-apache-local-conf-httpd.conf

   Open port 80 on iptables and restart

   Fixed hostname and hosts

   chkconfig httpd on

   Disabled Selinux


2014-05-02 returns a 403 message so users can't check masscheck worked
so I can't check whether it actually worked. - chmod 755 /home/corpus-rsync

Gave up on getting crontabs via Infra

Some Wiki's to update / look at  (Not exhaustive):
InfraNotes - Updated
AutoRuleUpdates - Good info about mass check

Rysnc work for corpora upload
Created bbmass user ( useradd -s /bin/sh -c 'Buildbot Mass-Check Daemon' bbmass )
   Moved files from /export/home on zonestorage restoration for bbmass
Created symlink to mimic previous but unknown usage - ln -s bbmass/uploadedcorpora
Moved files I thought were junk in bbmass home dir to /home/bbmass/old

Found the rsync issue: secrets file must be owned by root when running as root (see strict modes)

Found that jhardin_fraud dirs were still an issue.
Tried making them part of the same group with no luck. Changed /home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora to chown rsync.rsync –R

Cron Analysis to review
Appears to be 5 per day

DONE I BELIEVE - #1 - 10:54PM - received cron from Rule Updates Daemon – updatesd – Looked to take about 25 minutes to run bash /export/home/updatesd/svn/mkupdates-with-scores/do-stable-update-with-scores
runs at 2:25 for UTC
requires perl modules for trunk perl is 5.10.1 with Centos 6.5
installed perl-CPAN from yum
and yum install perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-DBI perl-HTML-Parser perl-Net-DNS perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Time-HiRes perl-IO-Zlib perl-Archive-Tar perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-Mail-DKIM wget yum install perl-Encode-Detect perl-libwww-perl perl-YAML perl-Module-Build
cpan Mail::SPF Net::Patricia IO::Socket::IP Geo::IP
Installed razor 2.84 from source
Make test for trunk then showed some issues such as:
Subroutine IO::Socket::INET6::sockaddr_in6 redefined at /usr/share/perl5/ line 67.
 at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/ line 21
SOLUTION: removed perl-IO-Socket-INET6 in favor of IO::Socket::IP

t/dnsbl_subtests.t ................ Can't locate Net/DNS/ in @INC (@INC contains: t . /tmp/spamassassin-trunk/blib/lib /tmp/spamassassin-trunk/blib/arch /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at t/dnsbl_subtests.t line 29.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/dnsbl_subtests.t line 29.
t/dnsbl_subtests.t ................ Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 46/46 subtests
SOLUTION: Installed perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver

DONE – BUG 7052 - TO-DO: Since perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver is required and CentOS separately installs it, add it as a requirement to the Makefile.PL with a note about Centos splitting <>
MOVED TO A TASK-   TO-DO: We may need more CPU power...
-   Ran the script and got errors*
- Added updatesd to group for named so scripts could access DNS data - usermod -a -G named updatesd - Also added updatesd group to /var/www/ with chgrp updatesd updatestage & chmod g+w updatestage/ - Decided to give chown updatesd.updatesd to updatestage and cleaned up svn issues.
-   Ran script and got errors #2*
-   Installed at with yum
- Ran script and got more errors - chown -R updatesd.updatesd /etc/spamassassin-dns/ to fix and deleted some files in updatestage that i think were old remnants with write protection
-   Ran script and got atd error.  Started daemon and ran again
- Believe we need pgapack – Still not sure that garescorer is working correctly on the new server – Noted on
-   yum install compat-gcc* to get g77
- downloaded pgapack-1.1.1.tar.gz and followed readme to install in /usr/local/pga - ./configure -arch linux – Instverf showed many errors but trying 1.1 also had many errors as well. Not sure if this indicates an issue.
-   Fixed masses-Makefile.patch to include the new pga dir and path

DONE - #2 11:10PM - - received cron from Rule Updates Daemon - At job – updatesd
   - Changed updatesd mail to go to root
- Checked mail and error in atd job /bin/bash: /export/home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/tick_zone_serial: /usr/bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory - Changed three scripts in /export/home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates to point to /bin/bash and re-added same command to atd
   - Ran script and got lots of errors
   - chown updatesd.updatesd -R spamassassin-dns/
- created counter file with number 4 in it. I believe it resets daily
        DONE - TO-DO: Check the counter file in a day or so from 6/15
        - fixed the perl code in tick_zone_serial
   - Add to atq with
 at -q n now + 1min
- Fixed sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo by changing sudoers to comment out #Defaults requiretty
        - tried atq again
- Added updatesd ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/rndc reload to sudoers with visudo
         - changed sudo to no tty just for updatesd

DONE - #3 4:31AM - received from Rule Updates Daemon - updatesd
bash /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/run_nightly

DONE - Fix error /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/run_nightly: line 31: /local/perl586/bin/perl: No such file or directory DONE - Fix permissions: chown updatesd.updatesd -R /var/www/

MOVED TO A TASK - TO-DO - the run_nightly script is supposed to do an update and reexec but it doesn't work on the first run properly. Requires 2 runs as best I can tell.

DONE - #4 4:50AM - received from Rule Updates Daemon - updatesd
bash /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/run_part2

- Getting a lint failure on a rule - publish __FROMN_LII add to force_active and rerunning from script 1 on
 - Script 1 from cron now takes real    14m35.029s to run.

- MOVED TO ANOTHER NOTE- TO-DO - Looking at some logs prior to the crash, the run_part2 might not have always run because of lints and metas.

DONE - #5 4:53AM - received from release
4/19 - Saturday morning ran weekly /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/nitemc/extract_to_rsync_dir weekly /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/weekly-versions.txt >> $HOME/extract.log
/export/home/svn-trunk/backend/nitemc/extract_to_rsync_dir nightly /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/nightly-versions.txt >> $HOME/extract.log

- Changed perms to chown release.release -R release for home dir. This might break previous permission fixes.

- need the nightly-versions.txt and weekly-versions.txt - restoring from tar

DONE - Restore updatesd from backups / updatesd:x:114:3002:Rule Updates Daemon:/export/home/updatesd:/bin/sh / updatesd:kFVKZd/t.lQXE:14448:::::: DONE - Fix Release from backups / release:x:106:1::/export/home/release:/bin/bash / np set
IGNORING - Many users are members of Group 1.  not sure if that's important
DONE - Add <> to root aliases
DONE - Installed openssl.x86_64 0:1.0.1e-16.el6_5.14
DONE - Installed patch from yum
DONE - Look at
DONE - ./backup/rsynced/etc/
DONE - ./backup/rsynced/export-home-nitemc/my_crontab
DONE - ./backup/rsynced/export-home-automc/my_crontab
N/A - SHOULD BE TAGGED TO REVISION - Remove old logs from #1 in cron
ON ANOTHER TICKET - Make sure everyone in corpora/masscheck is on ruleqa list

DONE -   Cron Items to look at

IGNORING WITH NTPD - Time check from nitemc account
10 6 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate -q <> 2>/dev/null | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q 'offset -*[1-9][0-9]' && ( date; /usr/sbin/ntpdate -vq <> 2>/dev/null ) | /usr/bin/mailx -s "WARN: SpamAssassin ruleqa: clock drift excessive" <> <>

DONE - Change to use tock and notify root as well
DONE - fix on zones2
10 6 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate -q 2>/dev/null | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q 'offset -*[1-9][0-9]' && ( date; /usr/sbin/ntpdate -vq 2>/dev/null ) | /usr/bin/mailx -s "WARN: SpamAssassin ruleqa: clock drift excessive" root <> <>

DONE - Open ticket about time drift on SA2

DONE - root
# rsync of good stuff to spamassassin2
4 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * /export/home/svn-trunk/build/automc/rsync_to_spamassassin2
# backups
4 3 * * * /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/root/backup/backup_zone # && /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/root/backup/rsync_spamassassin_to_spamassassin2

DONE - TO-DO: Get the ssh keys working so backups work - - We appear to have lost the private key that was on so I added the key from root@spamassassin2 to root .ssh on spamassassin-vm and changed authorized_keys to include that public key. This will need to be repeated on any other servers that zones used to automatically login to.

1 1 * * 1 /export/home/automc/svn/spamassassin/build/automc/buildbot.cron.weekly

MOVED TO A TASK ABOVE TO-DO: get buildbot running

DONE - release
# Remember, we're in UTC here ...
50 8 * * 0-5 /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/nitemc/corpora_runs >> /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/nightly-versions.txt 53 8 * * 0-5 /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/nitemc/extract_to_rsync_dir nightly /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/nightly-versions.txt >> $HOME/extract.log 50 8 * * 6 /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/nitemc/corpora_runs >> /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/weekly-versions.txt 53 8 * * 6 /export/home/svn-trunk/backend/nitemc/extract_to_rsync_dir weekly /home/corpus-rsync/corpus/weekly-versions.txt >> $HOME/extract.log
0 0 1 * * mv $HOME/extract.log $HOME/extract.log.1

- chown release.updatesd weekly-versions.txt nightly-versions.txt
- Fix corpora runs
- add to crontab

DONE - automc
automc =====
40 0,1,2 * * * /export/home/automc/svn/spamassassin/masses/rule-qa/automc/RUNME.before

DONE - Make more account email go to root
updatesd:       root
automc:         root
bbmass:         root
release:        root
rsync:          root

DONE - updatesd
updatesd =====
30 8 * * * bash /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/run_nightly
50 8 * * * bash /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/run_part2
25 2 * * * bash /export/home/updatesd/svn/mkupdates-with-scores/do-stable-update-with-scores

# dos: testing a script to trigger stable rule updates as soon as we've got mass-check results in # 10,25,40,55 0-4,13-23 * * * bash /export/home/updatesd/svn/mkupdates-with-scores/mkupdate-with-scores-expedite # 6 6 * * * rm -f /export/home/updatesd/state/mkupdate-with-scores-expedite.state

MOVED TO TASK ABOVE - traps =====
20 2 * * * rsync -rze ssh --whole-file --size-only --delete <>:/home/jm/cor/. /export/home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora/traps/.

DONE - add this traps account
MOVED TO tasks above - fix perms for /export/home/bbmass/uploadedcorpora/traps/
MOVED TO TASKS ABOVE - add cron job

IGNORING - NOTE: From reviewing the old password file, buildbot, bbmass and automc are in a group id 3000. Made bbmass belong group to 4471 which was automc’s group. Buildbot doesn’t exist as a user at this point (6/14). DONE - Task 52336 #16 is solved when corpora uploads work & reply to mailing list letting him know that part is restored for john hardin ON ANOTHER TASK - 49276 - Make sure everyone active with RuleQA is on mailing list including corpora upload DONE - ADDED ANYWAY - Update if chmod rsync.rsync is required.
DONE - Setup jhardin’s account
MOVED TO ANOTHER NOTE- Install Crashplan

* Errors 2014-06-15
   Error set #2
/home/updatesd/svn/mkupdates-with-scores/mkupdate-with-scores: line 364: at: command not found
+ cd
+ at -q n now + 16min
/home/updatesd/svn/mkupdates-with-scores/mkupdate-with-scores: line 362: at: command not found + echo /export/home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin/build/mkupdates/tick_zone_serial
Exit Status 127 is not zero for mkupdate-with-scores
   Error Set #1
+ set -e
+ cd ..
+ rm -rf release_3.3.3 /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/release_3.3.3
+ return 0
+ update_dns_record 3.3.3 1588859
+ SA_VERSION=3.3.3
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
++ perl -pe 's/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/$3.$2.$1/'
++ echo 3.3.3
+ RVERS=3.3.3
+ DNS_RECORD='3.3.3  TXT  "1588859"'
+ echo 'DNS Record: 3.3.3  TXT  "1588859"'
DNS Record: 3.3.3  TXT  "1588859"
+ DNSFILE=/var/named/
+ mkdir /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup
mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup': File exists
+ set +e
+ cp /var/named/ /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup/. cp: cannot stat `/var/named/': Permission denied
+ set -e
+ echo 3.3.3 TXT '"1588859"'
/home/updatesd/svn/mkupdates-with-scores/mkupdate-with-scores: line 125: /var/named/ Permission denied + mv /var/named/ /var/named/ mv: accessing `/var/named/': Permission denied
+ return 0
+ '[' 4 -gt 0 ']'
+ EXIT=0
+ copy_update_paranoid /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/1588859.tar.gz /var/www/
+ SRC=/tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/1588859.tar.gz
+ DST=/var/www/
+ set +e
+ cp /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/1588859.tar.gz /var/www/ cp: cannot create regular file `/var/www/': Permission denied + diff -u /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/1588859.tar.gz /var/www/ diff: /var/www/ No such file or directory
+ '[' 2 -ne 0 ']'
+ set -e
+ return 1
+ EXIT=5
+ '[' 5 -gt 0 ']'
+ (( I=0 ))
+ (( I<=3 ))
+ revert_dns_record 3.3.0
+ SA_VERSION=3.3.0
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ DNSFILE=/var/named/
+ set +e
+ cp /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup/3.3.0 /var/named/ cp: accessing `/var/named/': Permission denied
+ set -e
+ (( I++  ))
+ (( I<=3 ))
+ revert_dns_record 3.3.1
+ SA_VERSION=3.3.1
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ DNSFILE=/var/named/
+ set +e
+ cp /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup/3.3.1 /var/named/ cp: accessing `/var/named/': Permission denied
+ set -e
+ (( I++  ))
+ (( I<=3 ))
+ revert_dns_record 3.3.2
+ SA_VERSION=3.3.2
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ DNSFILE=/var/named/
+ set +e
+ cp /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup/3.3.2 /var/named/ cp: accessing `/var/named/': Permission denied
+ set -e
+ (( I++  ))
+ (( I<=3 ))
+ revert_dns_record 3.3.3
+ SA_VERSION=3.3.3
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ DNSFILE=/var/named/
+ set +e
+ cp /tmp/sa-mkupdate-6153/dns-backup/3.3.3 /var/named/ cp: accessing `/var/named/': Permission denied
+ set -e
+ (( I++  ))
+ (( I<=3 ))
+ exit 5
Exit Status 5 is not zero for mkupdate-with-scores

Kevin A. McGrail
Asst. Treasurer, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project

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