2010/11/9 Ran Benita <ran...@gmail.com>:
> I've been playing recently with systemd on Arch, and had much fun. But
> soon, alas, my fingers started to ache from repeatedly writing
> systemctl restart some-long-service.service. So, I wrote a completion
> script. I figured other people may want to use it, so I prepared a
> patch against systemd-git (attached).

pretty cool!

A few comments:

- systemctl start <TAB> shows services which are marked inactive (dead), e.g.
# systemctl status wdm.service
          Loaded: error
          Active: inactive (dead)

I guess we should filter out such services from start

- systemctl status <TAB> also shows devices, which makes the
completion list rather long (~300) and less usable.
Maybe we should filter certain types of units here, like device or automount


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