SD wrote
"If you do get rid of some of the existing marks, what marks do you use for the
world records? Do you go back to the original mark bettered by the current world
record? What about all the marks in between the old world record and the
current? There's a strong likelihood that those athletes were not drug tested
since it wasn't a world record at the time, even though they could be clean
marks also."
We aren't talking about those marks. We're talking about known dirty marks that have been admitted to. Whatever the fall-out is from that is irrelevant. Not knowing whether other marks are dirty is no reason not to expunge known dirty marks. I won't even comment on the point that if dirty marks are removed that it will be difficult to construct some kind if list. That's GH's problem.
Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh                    Martin J. Dixon, B. Math. (Hons), C.A., Partner
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