> Britain's Jonathan Edwards has attacked the double-standards in athletics
> which resulted in the persecution of women's 5,000m champion Olga Yegorova,
> labelled a drug cheat at the World Championships in Canada.
Strikes me as a bit rich for Jonathan Edwards to be talking about double
This is the touchy-feely, ever smiling (except when he loses) christian
athlete who retains Andy Norman as his agent. For those of you who don't
know Norman is the man who rang journalist and coach Cliff Temple, a much
liked man in the athletics world, and said he would accuse Temple of sexual
harrassment of the women Temple coached.
Temple, who had other problems, later took his own life and a coroner's jury
said Norman's phone call, which Temple taped, had tipped him over the edge.
Norman lost his job as British athletics promotions officer because of this
and other things I promised the tribunal who decided his fate not to reveal.
But Edwards kept him on as his agent. Seems there's turning the other cheek
as long as someone keeps pulling in the checks.
Randall Northam

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