Just a quick note in regards about my original
question regarding sprinters losing fast twitch muscle
fibers if they run cross country in the fall.

I received about 30 responses since Saturday morning
on the question either directly or to the list.  The
vast majority of respones tended to agree with my
philosophy that having a 400 runner run C.C. in the
fall will not hurt them come track season.

There were a few individuals who were somewhat
reluctant, and one definite NO.  The NO answer came in
regards to having an ELITE sprinter run C.C.  I  too
tend to agree with that, as I know a few collegiate
coaches who aren't thrilled with sprinters going out
on jogs doing the so-called "Sprinter Shuffle".

I also didn't consider these female athletes ELITE
sprinters running 61 and 63 second relay sprints. 
Don't get me wrong, I wish I had a 61 and 63 second
sprinter on my small track team. :)  Thus, when I saw
these girls run the relay, I felt it would be in their
best interest to run C.C. in the fall (at the other
school I coach at).

That team will be the defending state champions and
might be in need of a possible 5th, 6th, or 7th
runner.  If we stay healthy we aren't looking to make
these girls our number 1 or 2 runners.  We have a very
strong crew coming back, and I think it would be silly
for these two girls to not run C.C.  

I was even more suprised to hear the responses that I
gave in my previous post, from both the parents and
the sprint coach.  I thought the parents might
actually be excited to hear from a coach that their
daughters have potential to contribute to a very
successful C.C. team.

The feedback I received is actually what I thought
would occur, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't
totally off base.  Thank you to all who replied.


Paul Nisius
Bigfork, MN

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