Dave Johnson shames me with his group, of course, but this one contribution
of mine seems not to have made it to the list. I will add to what Dave put
forth that it's my impression that Tom Bradley's brother Ed also ran for
UCLA, but I can't find anything to substantiate this.
  Bill Allen
----- Original Message -----
From: William H. Allen
To: T&F
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:29 AM
Subject: Famous people who have run track

Mention of Ryun brings to mind other public servants or politicians
(characterize them as you will):  Ralph Metcalfe and Mathias preceded Ryun
as members of the House of Representatives.  Gordon Allott, who was the
national champion at  400m hurdles in 1929, later was a senator from
Colorado.  And, of course, there was Alan Cranston (if not world-class or
national-class at least a PCC-class quarter-miler for Stanford before
undertaking his illustrious career in public life).  Gordon Dunn (here, I
hesitate to identify such a great figure for fear of stating the obvious,
but I will -- second in the discus at Berlin in 1936) was later mayor of
Fresno.  Coe and one of the McWhirter twins (Chris Chataway too?) were
Members of Parliament. Guy Drut was a French cabinet minister.
  Bill Allen

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