Ah to live in the good ol' U S of A. there would be a few different outcomes.
1. The kid would likely be able to compete.
2. He would likely get off.
3. We would probably never hear about it.

Instead, the Canadian list gets to throw this stuff around at each other:

"for you to recklessly call him  stupid or a cheat in my opinion
is totally classless on your part.  But then again I
do not know you and this trait may be part of your
character in all matters of life."

I thought we were too polite to say that sort of thing about each other. Should
be an interesting day up here.


"Paul V. Tucknott" wrote:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/commonwealthgames2002/hi/other_sports/triathlon
> /newsid_2152000/2152895.stm
> Canadian triathlete Kelly Guest has been sent home from the Commonwealth
> Games after testing positive for the banned substance nandrolone.
> The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) said the test was taken at
> the ITU Triathlon World Cup event on 14 July in Edmonton.
> Guest said he has been taking at least six food supplements and believes
> that could be the source of the drug.
> "Most of the things I'm taking are what anyone would take to be healthy -
> vitamin C and Vitamin E," Guest said.
> The athlete born in London, Ontario - ranked 91st in the world - must still
> undergo a B test to confirm that traces of the stimulant are present in his
> body.
> "The only people who can have some idea of what it feels like are my
> team-mates, the coaching staff and my family.
> "All these people know what sport means to me and anyone who knows me, knows
> that I believe there is no place in sport for drugs."
> Canada triathlon high performance director Paul Regensburg said: "Kelly has
> requested that his B sample be tested and they are going to do that this
> weekend."
> Triathlon team president Bill Hallett has pledged to support Kelly, through
> what he called a difficult time, but stressed the team's anti-drugs stance.
> Asked how he had learnt the shock news of his positive test, Guest replied:
> "I had just gone for a run and when I got back to the Games Village Paul
> (Regensburg) took me aside and told me I had tested positive.
> Baffling
> "How did I feel? I don't think that's a question that needs to be answered.
> It's a lot to take in, in a very short space of time."
> Guest's coach Lance Watson said the result of the drugs test was "baffling"
> and questioned whether there might have been any cross-contamination in the
> sample.
> "It's a trace amount (of nandrolone) in his system rather than a gross
> performance-enhancing amount that some athletes have had in the past,"
> Watson said.
> "It seems like it's the little guys who get caught using a cough syrup,
> while the professionals (drug cheats) get away with it.
> "It's always someone like Kelly who gets hung out to dry and his national
> federation is standing by him 100%."
> The athlete was last tested almost a year ago at the Canadian national
> championships.

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