> Incidentally, renewing the posts on the BBC staff at the championships, the
> lack of journalistic nous by Sally Gunnell showed tonight. "Well done Kelly
> you must be thrilled with that bronze medal blah, blah."
> "Yes and at least I know I do it clean."
> Even a cub reporter might have known what to ask next, but our Sally said:
> "Yes well done then Kelly."
> Perhaps she's been told not to be controversial but I wanted to know whather
> Holmes meant she had a shower beforehand or perhaps that one of her rivals in
> the 800 took drugs. We shall have to wait for the paper's in the morning.

We didn't have to wait for the papers. Later on the at the press conference
Holmes was asked what she meant and said: "draw your own conclusions."
The BBC later picked up on this.
Interestingly Holmes and Ceplak share the same agent, Rober Wagner, who is
going to talk to Kelly.
Ceplak said she worked hard and couldn't understand it because she and
Holmes are in the same team.
Randall Northam

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