John Molvar was immediately DQ'd for writing:

>If Mike can't run the 200 without getting hurt,
>then he should not run it.  However, he must
>immediately reliquish his claim of being the best
>at 200 meters.   How can you be the best if you
>can't even compete at the distance?!!!  You want
>to hear something radical and I will be the first
>to state this.  John Capel is the currently the
>best at 200 meters until he is beaten.  

This isn't radical, it's is half of what you wrote earlier.
Until you're out there doing what he's doing, please don't waste my
bandwidth mindlessly bantering.

It's obvious that his comment about not running a 200m again are from the
frustrations of an injury-prone person who went down again.  Conway is
right that MJ hasn't gone near 19.32, but he's consistently running sub-20.
 Keep in mind he doesn't run that many 200s.  And when he does, he doesn't
necessarily have that much competition.  Given that, running sub-20 is
fantastic!  MJ is the best 200m runner out there and it's a shame he won't
not wearing the red, white and blue. 

And for the person who spoke of Capel not respecting MJ, you're quite
wrong.  He was quoted (after his win) in which he indirectly praised MJ -
quite gentlemanly, especially considering the manner in which others
conduct themselves.  I do wish him the best of luck in Sydney.

Lastly, while I do love T&F, the moniker 'Mike' belongs to a guy who used
to wear #23.


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