Y ask:

Happy New Year! Out with the old, in with the blog! You're all welcome to visit the 
Next Big Thing on the Net -- my version of a Web log. 

This online diary replaces my old Guestbook, which became laden with disguised 
commercial links. (Spammers have discovered that they get free links to their sites 
posted by signing guestbooks.) Sorry, Fred Urie. Your 17 posts are history.

Although I remain a wholehearted supporter of this Yahoo Groups (egroups) forum, I'm 
gonna be doing most of my musing now on my Web log. I'll be freer to express myself, 
and more self-indulgent. (It's the nature of the blog beast.) But you'll have the 
ability to comment on my rants as well.

Among my first screeds: A critique of Ross Dunton's embryonic WMA world masters 
seasonal performance lists. I don't pull punches.

Check out:


Masters track will never be the same. 

Ken Stone

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