I'm so sorry. I thought you posted the following:

> Steve Scott: over 100 sub 4s Cost: 1 nut
> Carl Lewis: most Olympic gold ever Cost: big chin, arthritis
> Alberto Salazar: 2.08 Cost: messed up hormone system, retard kids
> Lance Armstrong: 2 tour de France Cost: same as Scott, one nut
> Sly Stalone: 1 academy award Cost: retard kids
> John Walker: first sub 3.50, over 100 sub 4 Cost: can't wipe his own ass
> Arnold: 5 time Mr. Olympia Cost: heart valve
> Flo Joe: 10.49 100m Cost: death (damn expensive)
> Jeff Drenth: nike contract, cc race in his name Cost: death (another big
> spender)
> Me: 1 clean sub 4 (by 6/10s of a second) Cost: free Don't be stupid and don't
> think other people are more stupid than you. You relayed an extremely bad
> taste message. You may not have written it in the first place but you posted
> it to a wider audience. If you were only interested in Walker's health why not
> ask the list without peddling that sort of garbage.

Well, bless me. I've just checked and you did. Doesn't matter who wrote it,
you gave it a wider audience and for that you deserve to be pilloried. If
you lived on my side of the Atlantic you'd lose a defamation case, and I'd
be first in the queue to help John Walker with his legal expenses.
Randall Northam

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