For all of you 'Celsius challenged' listers, here's a snapshot of the type
of 'Fahrenheit' weather to be expected in Sydney this September. My source
is Intellicast, a weather service. Take it for what it's worth.

September in Sydney:

Record low: 41 degrees

Normal low:  51 degrees

Normal high: 67 degrees

Record high: 92 degrees

Average monthly rainfall: 2.9"

Number of rainy day: 12

Since Jim Rome has no interest in the Olympics, those of you fortunate
enough to be attending the Sydney Games will not be sitting next to him.
Most certainly many of you will be canceling your tickets due to this tragic
circumstance. :-)

Bruce Glikin 

p.s. Malmo, are you available on a 'consulting/fee basis' for non-geek
types? Not only am I unable to convert metric, my blood pressure goes off
the charts when I open 'Excel' and stare blankly at those daunting spread
sheets. Those are spread sheets, aren't they?




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