After being a subscriber to Sports Illustrated for decades, I let my 
subscription lapse a few years ago when it became apparent that the "powers 
that be" at the magazine no longer cared about track and field.

I was given a free subcription earlier this year and have been pleasantly 
surprised at the coverage given our sport during the summer. They have had 
two-page "Inside Track" features the last two months (July 29 and August 26) 
and the articles have been informative and current. The last one featured Tim 
Montgomery, triple jumper Juliana Perez, David Krummenacker, and Suzy Favor 
Hamilton. So far Brian Cazeneuve and Merrell Noden, both of whom have written 
about the sport for years, have provided the coverage, and word is that SI's 
new editor, Terry McDonell, is much more favorably inclined toward track than 
some of his predecessors.

If you'd like to see more of this coverage, it would be a good idea to write 
to Sports Illustrated and let them know that their track and field 
"renaissance" is appreciated(I know I plan to renew my subscription when the 
time comes). The magazine says letters to the editor can be e-mailed to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Or you can always go the snail mail route: Sports

Illustrated, 135 W. 50th St., New York, NY 10020. A little positive

reinforcement never hurts.

Walt Murphy

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