At 2010-09-01 07:06, Phil! Gold wrote:
The railway portion of the US TIGER import seems to have used the owner of
the railroad for the name= tag. (And the owners appear to have been
collected over the course of decades, so the current data doesn't reflect
a lot of mergers and splits, but that's
The problem is that, even if you have a tag on the shared way indicating "use
this only for zoom X or below", and tags on the separate ways saying "use this
only for zoom Y and above", there are likely to be some rendering programs that
will show all three ways, leading to confusion.
2010/9/2 Steve Bennett :
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Phil! Gold wrote:
>> There is a proposal for a tracks= tag:
> Ok, two points:
> 1) That's a mechanism for only having a single way, and coding
> information abou
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Phil! Gold wrote:
> There is a proposal for a tracks= tag:
Ok, two points:
1) That's a mechanism for only having a single way, and coding
information about the number of tracks. I'm talking a
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 3:18 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> I'm wondering if there's a reason this is beachvolleyball rather than
> beach_volleyball. Most other tags seem to have underscores where
> spaces would go between words.
The tagging scheme is essentially a folksonomy. This is the natural