Hi OpenSeaMap!

I want to support what Pieren is saying!!!!

Having started to tag lakes and harbors all around Switzerland, I realized that:
1. The OpenSeaMap tags and OSM tags do not match.
2. Most of the tags are not rendered.

This situation is a pity. I do not want to live in two different worlds. So I 
really suggest that OpenSeaMap uses standard tags where possible, and clearly 
documentating things. This will very much improve probability that mappers will 
map and renders will render!


>> We (OpenSeaMap) are open to suggestions on this. The harbour project has
>> recently been re-started after a hiatus of several years. As we are
>> building a separate database to contain imports from various public harbour
>> data sources. These harbour objects only require a simple
>> "seamark:type=harbour" tag to cause our map to render an icon and pop-up
>> data from this database with a mouse hover. The question is: how do OSM
>> mappers contribute to this data? Hence the facility availability tags.
>> (These tags have existed for years, but were rarely used).
>> I would be interested to hear (constructive!) ideas.
>> I would be interested to hear (constructive!) ideas.
> For instance: toilets. Instead of adding a " harbour:toilets=yes/no",
> your application should check for the existing tag "amenity=toilets"
> or "toilets=yes/no" ([1]) either on the harbour polygon itself or in
> one element inside this polygon. It's not the first time that
> OpenSeaMap is duplicating tags just to avoid some software dev. For
> instance, the whole "OpenSeaMap/Harbours" wiki ([2]) is doubling what
> is specified in "Harbour" ([3]). Even buildings have their own
> tags/namespace in your system ([4]) with e.g.
> "seamark:building:function" and "seamark:building:shape". Finally, the
> "seamark" namespace has to be interpreted as the "openseamap porject"
> domain. You work since years in parallel and with no intention to
> consolidate with the existing data/practices.
> Pieren

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