Consider the following code in my JSP page which is utilizing resource
string from a global resource file for labels on OK , Cancel buttons as well
as page specific resource file titled "snapshot".
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="i18n" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http:
Just adding to what Shawn said, you may also want to try a joined
query instead of repeatedly accessing the database. It should be more
efficient in most databases. With the JSTL actions, you can then
take care of the display details when you render the table instead:
On Thu, 30 May 2002, Hughes, Matt wrote:
> Yeah, it's really very pseudocode, but I think it's understandable.
> So I've created three generic tags: connection, resultset, and column.
> How do I recreate those kinds of nested while loops using tags. I
> almost want to put the beginning of th
Ok basically I want to do something really simple but I'm not exactly sure
how to do it with tag libraries. I have three tables: name, address, phone.
Each name can have multiple addresses, and each address can have multiple
phones. So using plain old jsp it would look something like:
rs1 = "se
It seems confusing to me (and no doubt others) that "Standard Taglib" is
synonymous with JSTL or JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library. When I first
went looking for JSTL, it wasn't immediately apparent that this was the
place to find it. I would much prefer to see the listing as "JSP Standard
No, Jakarta Taglibs is a collection of open-source taglibs, most of which
have nothing to do with JSTL. Jakarta Taglibs *also* happens to offer the
JSTL reference-implementation, under the name "Standard Taglib."
Shawn Bayern
"JSP Standard Tag Library"
(coming in Ju
Hi Shawn,
Sorry, I didnt understand what you mean by "moving to JSTL".
I thought that the latest stable build for the Taglibs on Jakarta's site WAS
the JSTL implementation.
-Original Message-
From: Shawn Bayern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002