Help -
My jsp files all use the same set of about a half dozen tag declarations
Rather than place them at the top of every page I start every page with the
<jsp:directive.include file="/include/" />
does some housekeeping and at some point includes /include/ which does more housekeepiong and includes which looks like this:
<jsp:directive.taglib uri=""; prefix="c" />
... more tags
and some jsp taglibs
<jsp:directive.taglib tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/formpatterns" prefix="fm" />

under resin there is no problem with this and under tomcat 5 I get

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /HelloStruts.jsp(1,1) /include/,3) /include/,4) /include/declareTags.jsp(3,18) <jsp:directive.tag directive can only be used in a tag file

1) I never use the tag directive outside of custim tag files but I do use jsp:directive.taglib
2) I would expect that included files would inherit the extension of the including page (ultimately jsp)
3) I tried changing include/ to include/declareTags.jsp (as shown above) without success
4) I am reluctant to use <@ tag and <%@ taglib notation because I am trying to ban scriptlets from ant page and use the curresponding XML notation

ANy ideas and suggestions -
Because other containers support what I am doing I believe I am doing the right thing

Steven M. Lewis PhD
4221 105th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98033
206-384-1340 (cell)

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