Hi, Im have many problems when i want to use a tablist
(in this case tehe log one).
Im running Tomcat 3.2.1

If I configure web.xml like the tutarial says:

An in the JSP: <%@ taglib
prefix="log" %>

I found the error:
D:\servidor\pruebalog.jsp(0,0) No se puede abrir la
libreria de tags
http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/log-1.0 : No puedo
localizar el TLD META-INF/taglib.tld
(In english aprox: org...I cant open the tags library
http...I cant find the TLD...)

In adittion, i dont understand another error. I had
readed that the taglib-uri is only an alias, but if i
change the value for one like log4j:
</taglib> in the web.xml
<%@ taglib uri="log4j" prefix="log" %> in the JSP

I found the another error:
D:\servidor\pruebalog.jsp(0,0) No se puede abrir la
libreria de tags log4j : D:\servidor\log4j (El sistema
no puede hallar el archivo especificado)
(in english aprox: org...I cant open the tags library
log4j...(The system cant find the spicified file)

Can anybody help me?

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