
Have any of you tried the Custom Tag Library Extension for UltraDev (CTLX)
that was posted on taglibs-dev? On March 5, Dan Mandell published the
message below. Although this extension isn't part of the Jakarta project
yet, I downloaded the extension at the URL provided and installed it. I'm
not having any success. The Ultradev pallete that should display a list of
taglibs is instead displaying errors. It is noting a
java.lang.nullpointerexception at tldparser.outputtldlist

I'm using Ultradev version 4 with Tomcat 3.2.1. 

I'm very curious if others have successfully used this extension.

Garrel Renick

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [PROPOSAL] custom tag library extension for ultradev
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 06:09:12 -0800
From: Dan Mandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Several weeks ago, I sent an email to this list describing an extension for
Dreamweaver UltraDev that allows for the creation of JSPs with custom tag
libraries in UltraDev's development environment. I expressed our intention
to release the extension through jakarta if there was interest. After the
decision was made to donate the code to the taglibs project, Macromedia
released UltraDev 4, incorporating many bug fixes in their SDK. I took
these past couple weeks to  optimize the extension for UltraDev 4 and the
revised SDK, to increase the stability and feature set of the extension. It
is now ready for an initial examination.

As stated in its documentation, the extension is not commercial code to be
used immediately for creating webapps; rather it is part of an
investigation into the current and potential state of tool support for the
authoring of JSPs with custom tag libraries. As a foundation for this
investigation, the extension is intended to have its limitations explored,
and be built upon.

The Custom Tag Library Extension for UltraDev (CTLX) can be downloaded here:

Inside the zip file is the documentation (ctlxmanual.html). The doc
includes detailed information for installing the extension, as well as a
tutorial to guide you through the process of creating a JSP with custom
tags using the extension. For a quick start, I recommend following the
"Installing the Extension" section, and then running the tutorial.

With your consent, I'd like to donate CTLX to the taglibs project.

Dan Mandell
Sun Microsystems

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