Quoting Shawn Bayern ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> An attribute value that begins "<% " isn't an rtexprvalue; you're instead
> passing a string literal. Rtexprvalues must begin with "<%=".
Yes, that was it, I knew I was missing something simple... now that
I've got it working it is very cool.
On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Julia A. Case wrote:
> I'm trying the following with no luck...
> <%= artist %>
> And what it produces is this
> <%
> playlist.getMP3Artists() %>
> So it's not evalutating the expersion, and I am using the c-rt.tld
An attribute value that begins "<% " isn
I'm trying the following with no luck...
<%= artist %>
And what it produces is this
playlist.getMP3Artists() %>
So it's not evalutating the expersion, and I am using the c-rt.tld
[ Julia Anne Case ] [Ships are safe inside the harbor, ]
[Programmer at l